Medallion, Lusitania (English)
Production date
A cast iron English propaganda version of the German Lusitania Medal. The obverse depicts the Lusitania sinking stern first with guns and planes on her decks. " KEINE BANN WARE! " ( NO CONTRABAND GOODS) is embossed above this scene. 'DER GROSS-DAMPFER/ =LUSITANIA= / DURCH EIN DEUTSCHES / TAUCHBOOT VERSENKT / 5.MAI 1915 / " (The liner Lusitania sunk by a German submarine 5 May 1915 ) is written below the scene. The reverse depicts a skeleton representing death behind the ticket office of the Cunard Line handing out tickets to a crowd of passengers. One of the passengers is reading a newspaper with the headline " U BOOT GEFAHR " (U BOAT DANGER) on it. " GESCHÄFT ÜBER ALLES " (BUSINESS ABOVE ALL) is written near the upper edge.
" CUN / LINIE " is written above the ticket window. " CUNARD " is written vertically beside the window. " FAHRKARTEN / AUSGABE " (TICKET OFFICE) is written below the window. " KG " is written near the bottom of the medal
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