Untitled (New Zealand Company Resident Agent's House, Courtenay Street, New Plymouth)
Production date
The house of the New Zealand Company’s Resident Agent can be seen in the middle ground, a man driving a cart drawn by two bullocks along Courtenay Street in the right foreground, and group of four Maori figures outside the gate of the house in the centre foreground. Pukiekie Pa is to the right of the Agent's house (on what is now Victoria Street) and Pukaka pa (now Marsland Hill) is located on the right edge. Mount Taranaki (then Mount Egmont) and the Pouakai Range are visible in the background. The Company’s Resident Agent at this time was John Tylston Wicksteed, who arrived in New Plymouth with his wife Emma and sons John and Arthur in May 1842. The house was later occupied by the Superintendent of the province.
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