Methodist Church Marriages, New Plymouth and Inglewood 1873-1909
Production date
A transcription made by Frederick (Fred) Burdett Butler (1903-1982) of marriage registers from Methodist Churches in New Plymouth and Inglewood. Transcribed between January and March 1957.
Primitive Methodist 1873 - 1885.
Queen Street Chapel & grounds 1880.
Methodist 1880 - 1892.
Primitive Methodist 1903 - 1905.
South Road Methodist 1905 - 1907.
Methodist 1905 - 07 and 1909 - 1915.
Primitive Methodist 1885 - 1896 and 1900 - 1903.
Inglewood Primitive Methodist 1906 - 1910.
Inglewood / Eltham Primitive Methodist 1895 - 1906.
Fitzroy Primitive Methodist 1905 - 1909.
Liardet Street Wesleyan 1892 - 1902.
Object detail
Part 1
Marriage transcription. One volume.
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